Nov 24, 2023, 04:36 AM IST

 6 Tips to Live More Sustainably

Nishtha Badgamia

Save Water

Water scarcity is set to worsen with climate change leading to extreme weather events, including droughts in some areas and floods in others. Saving water will not only help reduce your impact on the environment, but also save you money.

Opt for Local, Plant-based Options

Choosing local foods and opting for a plant-based diet will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation as well as the meat industry.

Avoid cars

Around 95 per cent of the world’s transport still uses fossil fuels and contributes to 23 per cent of global energy-related CO2 emissions, as per the UN. Therefore, using public or shared transport, walking and cycling, can help reduce emissions as well as air pollution.

Reduce Energy Usage

High energy usage can lead to carbon emissions and worsen climate change. Steps like turning lights off and using natural light, opting for energy-efficient appliances, and unplugging devices not in use can help save energy and lessen carbon emissions.


Humans produce around 2.24 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste, as per the World Bank, out of which only 55 per cent is managed the rest ends up in landfills. Recycling your products or packaging can reduce the impact on the environment and the amount of raw materials wasted.

Avoid Using Paper

From cutting trees to the amount of water used to create it production of paper has a big impact on the environment not to mention the carbon dioxide and methane it releases as it decomposes. Therefore, to reduce the usage of paper opt for emails in place of letters and online books or magazines.