Nov 26, 2023, 09:36 PM IST

6 Ways AI Can Lead to Human Extinction

Vikrant Singh

1. Autonomous Weapons

The development of autonomous weapons powered by AI could lead to uncontrollable warfare.

2. Rapid Advancements

If AI development outpaces our ability to regulate and control it responsibly, we may face challenges in managing the potential risks and ethical implications.

3. Job Displacement

The widespread adoption of AI in various industries could lead to mass unemployment, economic instability, and social unrest.

4. Manipulation and Control

If AI is misused by malicious actors or authoritarian regimes, it could be employed to manipulate information, control populations, and undermine democratic processes.

5. Dependency and Vulnerability

As society becomes increasingly dependent on AI for critical systems (e.g., healthcare, transportation, energy), vulnerabilities in these systems could be exploited.

6. Superintelligent AI

The development of superintelligent AI with goals misaligned with human values could pose an existential risk if such AI surpasses human capabilities.