
Navigating Hormonal Changes: Expert shares tips for managing PMS, menopause & hormonal imbalances

New DelhiWritten By: Zeba KhanUpdated: Oct 31, 2023, 08:03 PM IST
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Several researches indicate that a significant proportion of menstruating women grapple with PMS symptoms, with their intensity often pronounced during adolescence and the pre-menopausal phase due to hormonal dynamics. Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Vice President of Medical Affairs of Nirvasa Healthcare spoke to WION about Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and how to manage it. 

Hormones are responsible not only for mood and physiological changes in a woman’s body but also for regulating reproductive, metabolic, and emotional health. From the onset of puberty to the culmination of menopause, a woman’s body undergoes changes that are both natural and universal. While the degree of change differs from person to person, these often bring about a range of physical and emotional symptoms. 

Since the delicate balance between estrogen and progesterone and their hormonal companions holds sway over mood, energy, metabolism, and well-being in general, it is important to take care of our reproductive health in addition to mental and physical vitality throughout the different stages of life. Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Vice President of Medical Affairs of Nirvasa Healthcare spoke to WION about Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and how to manage it. 

PMS is a complex of symptoms that many women experience before menstruation. Several researches indicate that a significant proportion of menstruating women grapple with PMS symptoms, with their intensity often pronounced during adolescence and the pre-menopausal phase due to hormonal dynamics. 

Here are some ways listed by him for effective management of PMS:

● Lifestyle Symphony: Regular exercise boosts endorphins, aiding symptom relief. A balanced diet with lean proteins, grains, and diverse fruits and vegetables is key. Limiting caffeine and alcohol, especially pre-menstruation, is beneficial.

● Natural Therapies' Elixir: Remedies like chaste tree, vitamin B6, and evening primrose oil offer PMS relief, but always consult healthcare professionals before use.

● Alternative Therapies Tapestry: Techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), acupuncture, and therapeutic massage are recognized for their potential in PMS

As women hit menopause, they face hormonal imbalances.

Here are some tips listed by Dr. Manmohan Singh for navigating hormonal changes:

● The Power of Knowledge: Empowering oneself with profound knowledge about the physiological changes that accompany this sacred pilgrimage equips women with the tools to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

● The Wisdom of Professional Consultation: In the face of persistent or severe symptoms, seeking the counsel of medical specialists is a prudent course of action, enabling the crafting of personalized approaches to management.

● The Tapestry of Holistic Well-being: Embracing a holistic approach that weaves together the strands of optimal nutrition, physical activity, stress alleviation, and the art of sleep optimization serves as a guiding compass in navigating the ethereal realms of hormonal imbalances.

Navigating hormonal changes is an intrinsic part of a woman's life journey, encompassing phases from PMS to menopause and other potential hormonal imbalances.. While these shifts may present challenges, they are not insurmountable. Armed with knowledge, proactive strategies, and help from healthcare professionals, women can chart their course through these transitions. 



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