
'The pity of war’: Why Israel must be stopped

SrinagarWritten By: Wajahat QaziUpdated: Oct 19, 2023, 10:10 PM IST
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(File photo) Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Photograph:(Reuters)

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What constitutes ‘the right to self-defence'? Does it have boundaries or limits? Who determines that? What is proportionality (in war)? What are its ‘legitimate’ parameters? And, again, who determined it? These are not and should not be mere ‘catchwords’ or ‘buzzwords’ that can be bandied about cavalierly

In a tit-for-tat violence, where Hamas attacked Israel and then Israel took recourse to ‘reprisal attacks’, much is lost in the ‘fog of war’. The debate (slanted) in the Western press is ‘Israel’s right to defend itself’ and ‘proportionality’. This is not to deny any nation-state its legitimate right of/for defending itself but to put matters into perspective: What constitutes ‘the right to self-defence'? Does it have boundaries or limits? Who determines that? What is proportionality (in war)? What are its ‘legitimate’ parameters? And, again, who determined it? These are not and should not be mere ‘catchwords’ or ‘buzzwords’ that can be bandied about cavalierly. How these are defined and employed in practice pertains to the ‘pity of war’- something the Middle East may be on the cusp of. Against all norms and canons of international law, Israel, after Hamas attacks, is indulging in an organised orgy of violence. And it is getting away with it. Why?

The answer is multidimensional but one major prong of it is the West’s collective guilt over the Holocaust that caused immense suffering, death and depredation to European Jews. In a ‘never again’ formulation, by crafting the tenets of Zionism – that sought to create a Jewish homeland in historic Palestine, Israel was established in 1948. Israel also crafted a self-identity for itself that suggested it being a ‘western outpost’,‘ a citadel of civilisation’ in a sea of ‘Arab despotism’. The Arabs, especially Palestinians, in this schema were denigrated as uncivilised barbarians and a regressive despotic race -  an echo of which the world is witnessing in the likes of Ben Shapiro who leave no stone unturned to dehumanise Palestinians. The explicit and implied aim of Shapiro is to ‘manufacture consent’ and complicity in the killing, maiming and dispossession of Palestinians. All this may be rationalised as the rhetorical flourishes and ‘bull shit’ based on self-righteousness and dismissed. But, nay, not so easy. This discourse is as insidious as its end game. But what is this endgame and who enables it?

The latter question first. Rewind a week or more to the attacks on Israel which took the country by surprise. An enraged Israel post these attacks had made up its mind: It wanted to destroy the Hamas. But, the country needed political cover for this- something that was ably provided by Western political leaders- Joseph Biden, Lloyd Austin, Ursula Van Meyer of the EU, Keir Starmer of the British Labor Party and, Rishi Sunak and other wannabes. How was this cover deployed and maintained? By drawing an equivalence between ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Hamas - something that is etched in the collective consciousness of the Western publics. Ah, yes to prove themselves right and validate their quest, it was alleged Hamas had murdered (decapitated) 40 babies.  

Enabled and emboldened by this, Israel embarked on carpet bombing of Gaza. Ostensible premise: Root out Hamas. This cruel, horrific bombing, withholding of food, water and other essentials meshes into Israel’s endgame. What is that? Key elements of this deliberate, coldly calculated pogrom are: instrumentalise bombing campaigns to harass, harry and kill Palestinians. Orchestrate their movement towards the Egyptian border and create a refugee crisis for Arab states, invade Gaza, finish off Hamas, include the West Bank into the pogrom – essentially and basically ethnically cleanse Palestine. The follow-up appears to be in the nature of creating a rump group of Palestinians- say Bedouins or collaborators or those who cannot leave and forge ‘peace’ with them. Lo and Behold, Israel triumphs and ‘solves’ the Palestinian conflict. The world looks on and cheers. 

But this approach is fundamentally wrong, politically insidious and morally odious. It amounts to being complicit in the disappearance of an entire peoples. It also has geo-political and security implications: the Middle East becomes a fraught flashpoint on the cusp of war that will have global implications and it reduces drastically the global security for both states and people. Regarding the latter, there have already been four victims: a 6-year-old Palestinian child, a teacher in France and two Swedes in Belgium. Because Israel’s odious actions polarise the world, its constituent peoples and sets them against each other. There’s every likelihood of more attacks vigilante violence and lone wolf attacks. The world then has become suddenly a very dangerous place for everyone. 

Watch | Israel-Hamas war: Protests erupt after attack on Gaza Hospital

Can this be remedied while ‘too much water has flowed under the bridge’, but ‘a stitch in time saves nine’? There still may be hope. For this to be galvanised, Western political leadership must take the initiative. Their (especially the United States’) foreign policies and the media must not be forever held hostage to elite capture. This is the broad outline. In the realm of immediacy, Israel must be, should be restrained. Only the West can do it. It then shares and has a moral responsibility to create and craft peace. If it does, the region, the west and the world will be better for it!

(Disclaimer: The views of the writer do not represent the views of WION or ZMCL. Nor does WION or ZMCL endorse the views of the writer.) 

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